Crescendo SDK
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Crescendo CLI Tool

The Crescendo Command Line Interface (CLI) Tool is the easiest way to work with the Crescendo SDK. This tool provides a powerful interface for interacting with your Crescendo tokens directly from the command line.

To use the Crescendo CLI, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where CrescendoCLI.exe is located.

General Help

For a list of all commands and general usage, run:

CrescendoCLI.exe --help

Command-Specific Help

For help with a specific command, including details about parameters specific to that command, run:

CrescendoCLI.exe <command> --help

And you will get a response like in this example:

Crescendo CLI Tool X.X.X.X
Usage: CrescendoCLI.exe piv-data-get (-p <pin> | -x <key>) [--ber-tlv-tag <tag>] [-v] [--log-level <level>] [-t <token>]
Available options:
--ber-tlv-tag (Default: 5FC105) String identification of the BER TLV tag of the generic container object from
which to read the data. For example, 5FC105, 5F-C1-0E, 5F C1 20.
-p, --pin (Group: Authenticate) PIN to be used for authentication. String "env" can be used to read an
Environment Variable "PIN" as a valid key.
-x, --xauth-key (Group: Authenticate) XAUTH key to be used for authentication. String "env" can be used to read an
Environment Variable "XAUTH" as a valid key.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose (debug) logging (shortcut for --log-level DEBUG).
--log-level (Default: INFO) Switch between different log levels. Valid options are "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN",
-t, --token (Default: 0) Specify the number of given token to work with, or the name of the reader that the
token is connected into. All available tokens can be displayed with "CrescendoCLI.exe token-info"
--help Display this help screen.
CrescendoCLI.exe piv-data-get -p 123456 --ber-tlv-tag 5FC182 -v

List of All Available Commands

Command                       Corresponding API Function Description
aca-props-get ListACAProperties List all available ACA applet properties and options from the token in JSON format.
pin-change ChangePIN Change the existing PIN to a newly specified one.
pin-verify AuthenticateWithPIN Verify the validity of entered PIN. If no PIN is entered, then the command corresponds to a PIN VERIFY command to determine whether the PIN code has already been verified.
pin-reset-tries ResetPINTries Reset the Token PIN try counter with PUK.
pin-props-update UpdatePINProperties Update PIN properties, such as min/max length, various counters etc.
puk-put PUKPut Put a specified PUK to the token.
cache-read ReadCacheFreshness Return data stored under tag 0x44 in a specified Cache data object 5FC151 on tokens using applet V4.
logout Logout Log out of the ACA instance.
xauth-key-put PutXAUTHKey Store XAUTH key to the token.
xauth-key-delete DeleteXAUTHKey Delete existing XAUTH key from the token.
xauth AuthenticateWithXAUTH Perform External Authentication. Works for both static and dynamic XAUTH modes.
xauth-mode-change ChangeXAUTHMode Change the XAUTH challenge mode (static <-> dynamic).
xauth-get-challenge GetChallenge Get the XAUTH challenge from the token.
otp-props-get ListOATHProperties List all available OATH applet properties and options from the token in JSON format.
otp-slot-configure ConfigureOATHSlot Store OATH configuration and OATH key to the token to a specified OTP slot. Update the PSKC file, or create a new one if it does not yet exist.
otp-pass-configure ConfigureStaticPassword Configure static password on Crescendo Key V3.
ocra-slot-configure ConfigureOCRASlot Store OCRA configuration and OCRA key to the token to a specified OCRA slot.
otp-slot-delete DeleteOATHSlot Delete OATH configuration and corresponding OATH key from the token in specified OTP slot. Update the PSKC file. If no other KeyPackage tag is left in the PSKC file, the file will get deleted.
otp-generate GenerateOTP Generate OTP using key and configuration stored in specified OTP slot.
ocra-authenticate OCRAAuthenticate Perform an OCRA Challenge Response or Digital Signature operation with previously configured OCRA slot.
piv-props-get ListPIVProperties List all available Generic Container Objects and all PKI objects and their properties on a given token in JSON format.
piv-key-pair-gen PIVGenerateKeyPair Generate a pair of asymmetric keys using specified cryptographic mechanism.
piv-pki-put PIVPutPKIData Put PKI data (private key, certificate or both) to the token base on the user input.
piv-key-delete PIVDeleteKey Delete key object with specified Key Reference.
piv-data-put PIVAddDataToDataObject Store data under specified tag to a specified buffer (identified by BER TLV tag). The command reads content of the buffer and adds/rewrites only the specified tag. Other data in the buffer stay intact.
piv-data-get PIVGetDataObjectContent Return data stored in a given generic container object identified by the object’s BER TLV tag.
piv-data-delete PIVDeleteDataFromDataObject Delete data in a specified buffer (identified by BER TLV tag). The command reads the content of the buffer and deletes either data under the specified tag (other data in the buffer stay intact), or the entire content of the buffer.
piv-data-raw-crypto PIVRawCryptoOperation Take data from input file or input string and perform a raw cryptographic operation using a private key stored on the token at a given Key Reference. No padding to input data will be applied, meaning you are fully responsible for the proper length of the input data.
piv-data-sign PIVSignData Take data from input file or input string, create a Hash of the data and send it to the token to get the hash signed back using private key stored at given Key Reference.
piv-data-acr PIVChangeDataObjectACR Change the ACR of given empty generic container object. The object must be completely empty.
piv-cert-get PIVGetCertificate Get certificate from specified buffer (identified by BER TLV tag).
piv-cert-delete PIVDeleteCertificate Remove a certificate from a specified buffer (identified by BER TLV tag). The command reads content of the buffer and removes the certificate. Then it adds a public key value derived from the certificate to make sure the ability to work with the private key is not lost. Other data in the buffer stay intact.
ski-key-get GetSKITransportKey SKI Part 1: Generate the SKI RSA3072 transport key (or just read it if it is already initialized).
ski-data-encrypt EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK SKI Part 2: Generate a random Session KEK key. Then encrypt the Session KEK key with the RSA3k public transport key, and encrypt the key input key from user with the Session KEK. Store both results into a JSON format (in case of encrypted PIV key, the JSON would contain encrypted individual CRT components).
ski-key-put SecureKeyInjection SKI Part 3: Store the encrypted Session KEK to the token, and finally perform the PUT KEY operation with a key encrypted by the Session KEK, thus completing the SKI transfer.
fido-props-get ListFIDOProperties List all available FIDO applet properties and options from the token in JSON format. The command should be run with elevated privileges. The command will not work when using Crescendo Keys inserted in USB slots.
fido-pin-set FIDOSetPIN Set the PIN used for FIDO authentication using the FIDO2 standard communication. This command requires elevated privileges.
fido-pin-change FIDOChangePIN Change the PIN used for FIDO authentication using the FIDO2 standard communication. This command requires elevated privileges.
fido-token-reset FIDOTokenReset Reset all existing FIDO configuration and discoverable credentials stored on the token.
token-reset ResetToken Reset the specified token.
token-new NewToken Reset the token using only pin –pin, change the PIN to a specified value –new-pin and set default PIN properties. Then upload PUK to the card, and finally generate PIV personal data uploaded them to the PIV data object 5FC102.
token-info TokenOptions General info about all connected tokens.